4 avril 2018. Exploring Crêpes And The Crêpe Suzette. Cultural Kitchen Clashes From France to Kentucky.



Crêpes And Crêpe Suzette – 

It’s only fitting I explore the Crêpe Suzette.  Since it’s named after MOI and full of sugar and butter and brandy.  Comme moi sans brandy.

Exploring the recette / recipe, I watched several videos including the Julia Child video on Smithsonian.com.  What a character, she so seemed to have lived her life full.

Last month while my husband was visiting France sans moi, he and his Mother, bought me (upon my request) the most awesome crêpe  pan.  Crêpes are a French food that we really have never explored in our home.  I’m sure my husband had them many times growing up, but to be honest, we just make pancakes – even when ma belle mère visits.


I remember one of the first times, I made a BIG American breakfast for my French in-laws.  Canned laughter plays in the background of this memory.  I made fried eggs, bacon, sausage gravy and biscuits and of course American pancakes topped with peanut butter and syrup.  Most likely it was the peanut butter that provoked the grimaces and looks of confusion – although, it could have been the biscuits smothered in thick milky sausage gravy.  All served with a side of ketchup.

One of the major cultural differences between us was and still is – la cuisine.

Blending – 

I grew up in the late 60’s and 70’s in a suburban area just south of Detroit, Michigan with a Irish, German and Polish Mother and an Irish, Scottish Father who had been born and raised in Kentucky.  This common for the time classic American mixture and coupling made for extremely exciting childhood memories – mostly involving love, laughter, quick tempers, obsessive cleaning, cabbage, kielbasa and scotch whiskey.  It also yielded my fiercely protective Mother and my hard working, know-it-all Father who eventually flew the coop.

In addition, many interesting foods were made and shared over the years as I visited each uniquely distinct set of Grandparents.  On any given Sunday, we might enjoy pierogi at lunch, then beans and corn bread in the evening.

Flashing forward, I see how my personal cooking style was influenced.  As the years passed, I continued the traditions by sharing family recipes and flavors with my children and grandchildren all the while tossing in my half French husband’s roots and tastes.

I recall many happy Saturday mornings – watching Tom & Jerry cartoons and Abbott and Costello re-runs, and waiting for the pancakes and peanut butter.  Then heading out on my bike for the entire day.  Hours later, arriving back at home, I’d run into the kitchen, grab a spoon and thrust it into the peanut butter jar – just a little snack before dinner.

No one can make a steak, BBQ a pork butt, or roast corn on the cob, like an American.  There is also fine cuisine and many fantastic chefs in America and I personally love our eclectic menu.

Kitchen Cultural Clashes –

However, after 30 plus years of blending mine with his – I still can’t get ma beau-père (father-in-law) to try corn on the cob.  When I make it – he will occasionally (very occasionally) slice it off the cob or skip it all together.  And it’s not a denture issue.  For him, it’s more about the actual practice of eating corn on the cob.  And the fact that he is 86 and set in his ways.

Mostly he revels in new experiences – having traveled the globe.  But the peanut butter and corn on the cob (not eaten together, although… I might give it a try) have proven to be too much for him.  Oh and my use of ketchup, doesn’t everyone put ketchup on scrambled eggs and steak?

Buerre De Cacahuètes / Peanut Butter –   

Shown below, made with my new crêpe pan, delicious Crêpes avec et sans le beurre de cacahuètes / peanut butter.

We did not flambé le crêpes today – we are reserving the Cointreau for the weekend.

Crêpes with peanut butter and hazelnut spread and we may or may not have added a bit of maple syrup.

Délicieux / Delicious.

Bonne Appétit – Suz!A333A23A-A732-4CB8-A231-5BA5AE597B7F


20 responses to “4 avril 2018. Exploring Crêpes And The Crêpe Suzette. Cultural Kitchen Clashes From France to Kentucky.”

  1. Suze; it’s your lucky day 😉
    I have some 999 blog posts to read, comment and since yours came up just now as the last one, you’re getting a talk to as the first…. ain’t I generous to a fault?! 🙂
    OK, let me start with the corn – the main reason for refusal might be – as per my source of knowledge (living in France for over 10 years) that for the French gourmet, any corn is first of all pigs’ fodder…. But then to mistreat the poor corn with peanut butter is really challenging your father-in-law’s goodwill, my friend 😉
    The use of ketchup is another no NON, especially for elderly people, and I take it that your beau-père is no youngster any longer… It’s not personal, it’s cultural.

    I agree with you that in my whole life the best BBQ whatever, but mostly steaks and spare ribs and fresh corn all were consumed in Canada but you can strike that out and make it the USA. Every BBQ after that was ‘just’ a hollow shadow of a REAL one!

    I for one absolutely CANNOT eat peanut butter; I’m also allergic to peanuts for some 2 years now and I remember clearly that my body’s non-acceptance started after having wolved-down a whole bag of roasted peanuts with probably some 42000 kcal! But even before and during my time in Canada, I never liked peanut butter. It’s one of those love-hate products. It’s just like Italian espresso (=hot, short, strong, delicious) versus Americano (coffee – which I call flower water, as it has the colour of old water in a vase) – some love it, are addicted to it, me…. others produce a corony just seeing me have a go at it….

    I also have a (dirt cheap) crêpe teflon pan, large, flat, ideal for those delicious crêpes, galettes… What a great idea for a ‘bring-along-gift’. Cheers, have some 999 other posts to reply to, and washing to hang up, and floors to scrub, and cards to write, aaaaaandddd…..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is one time that I am glad to be last. Thank you for reading.

      Regarding the corn – he has explained this to me. I still wish he would try it. It’s one of those things they you have to experience. And you are correct – it’s totally cultural. He is 86 and very French. He has his routines and he knows what he likes. He is a very sweet yet stubborn man. One I truly admire.

      I’m sorry about the allergy – I would starve if I could not eat peanut butter lol.

      I hope you were able to get all your chores complete. Thanks again for reading and replying.

      Bonne journée Suz

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wd suggest to accept your dear old friend, at 86 one shouldn’t be asked to start liking peanut butter or/and corn…. I for myself love it!
        I have (at least) one sister who will never know what she misses out on by refusing to even try goats’ or sheep’ cheese, eating any fish other than the extremely limited choice of good old boring salmon, has never tasted grilled sardines (well that alone is worth a trip to Portugal!), etc etc….. Chacun à son goût!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Bien sûr on thé acceptance.. it took me many years to try oysters on the half shell – I never knew what I was missing. Now I love them. And I hope to try the sardines in Portugal soon!


  2. That’s one very interesting article – those are my favorite crêpes! You can make some with apple cider. Salted caramel is the best crêpe filling in my opinion – maybe you have already tried that during your stays in Charente-Maritime!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well thank you! We’ve had many fun / funny experiences together over the years. Check out the article I posted on July 8, 2017 – titled Don’t drink the wine…

      I have not tried using apple cider. Do you have the recette? Please send it if you do. And I have not tried the salted caramel – but I will.

      Bonne Journee –


  3. Oh dear – peanut butter and pancakes?! I guess I can’t comment since I prefer my pancakes with yogurt 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yogurt…. I’ll have to try that one. The peanut butter and pancakes would be perfect energy for you long hikes. Let me know if you try it.


      1. I rarely eat peanut butter now. It’s one of those addictive things that once I start, it’s hard to stop …. just one more spoonful …

        Liked by 1 person

      2. And it’s not cheap these days. I try to buy organic and natural which costs more. My granddaughter likes it as much as I do – she loves it on apples.


      3. Apples! Yes! I love that too! … and raw carrots.
        It sounds like an odd combination, but that bit of fat/protein with an apple or carrot sticks makes a great snack.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I actually brought an electric crepe maker with me when I moved to Mexico 15 years ago and haven’t used it once. Your post may be my inspiration…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awesome to hear. The best part is you can make them ahead and warm them up during the week. I really want to try to make some savers ones next.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Have you had a chance to us the electric crepe maker?


      1. No. As a matter of fact I haven’t even had the chance to find it!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I noticed that your photo of crêpes, with a jar of peanut butter, also included a jar of Nutella. Well, Nutella on crêpes is quite common here in France. I see Nutella at virtually every crêpe stand at local markets. So, one kind of nuts seems okay — while another (peanuts) is not. I’ll also add that personally, I miss good corn on the cob now that we’ve moved from Toronto to southwest France. We used to love peaches-and-cream corn on the cob every summer.


    1. Bonjour Loren-
      Ah you’re from Toronto! I’m from Detroit so I imagine you have the same awesome sweet corn we have in MI. And yes, it’s odd the peanut butter versus Nutella. I prefer peanut butter but we always have both on hand.


  6. There’s just one word for this post: YUM!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ! However there are so many calories in PB and I’ve been working on dropping some weight for the half marathon 😳 so skipping the PB these days . The crêpes on the other hand are not that fattening.


      1. Anyway… delicious food is always worth eating.

        Liked by 1 person

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